How to Apply for Final DMC/Transcript

Muhammad Ibrar
Procedure for Applying Final DMC/Transcript (For UET, Lahore, Narowal, New Campus, Faisalabad and Rachna college Gujranwala)

Before applying for final/complete DMC/Transcript,  below instructions must be followed (for undergraduate session 2015 onwards & postgraduate session 2016 onwards):

1.Fill exit survey and all subject surveys.
2.Make sure your proper picture is uploaded on LMS, for this purpose, check your profile under student information option in your LMS account. Your picture must be clear and properly visible (only passport size picture is allowed with light blue or white background). In case of any issue regarding picture, visit Admission Cell Admin Block bringing your picture. IB&M students have this facility in their department.
3.After initiating clearance process from your LMS account, make sure your online clearance is made by your department LMS Coordinator and all other relevant offices i.e Library, Transport, Senior Warden office, dues and admission office.

4.Attach following documents:-
a) DMC form. You can download this form from this link
b) CNIC copy
c) Original challan for final DMC fee of Rs. 3000/-.  Online Challan from LMS/UAMS student account can be generated and fee can be paid in any online branch of HBL. If online generated challan is not available, then challan available at HBL, UET, Lahore branch can be used.
You can also pay fee online using HBL mobile app or HBL connect app and attach the print of the fee receipt. Your online fee payment receipt will be verified from the system by university.
d) Degree Requirement Completion Form duly signed and stamped by Chairperson
e) One Passport size picture
f) Matric/O level certificate copy (for foreigners attach passport copy + IBCC)
g) Thesis notification copy for Postgraduate students only
Note:-    Online dues clearance for Rachna college, New Campus, Faisalabad Campus and Narowal Campus will be made by concerned office of their respective campuses.
Above instructions are for 1st time Final DMC/Transcrpt. To apply for subsequent copies (2nd time onwards) , attach DMC form and Challan of Rs. 2000/- only.
Official time for Final DMC/Transcript  is 3 working days. 

The students of session 2014 & before will pay endowment fund loan installments only if payable loan is mentioned on their dues clearance slip. Attach original challan of 1st Installment of Rs. 10,000/-  (Account No: 41707-4 Title: Account title: UET Endowment Fund), only bank deposit slip can be used for Installment loan payment.

Examinations Branch Admin Block, UET, Lahore 042-99029235, 042-99250214 [email protected]

Procedure for Applying Final DMC/Transcript (For Affiliated Colleges' Students)

Before applying for final/complete DMC/Transcript,  below instructions must be followed (for undergraduate session 2015 onwards & postgraduate session 2016 onwards):
1.  Fill exit survey and all subject surveys.
2. Make sure your proper picture is uploaded on LMS, for this purpose, check your profile under student information option in your LMS account. Your picture must be clear and properly visible (only passport size picture is allowed with light blue or white background). In case of any issue regarding picture, visit your college office bringing your picture.  
3.Make sure your online departmental clearance is made by your LMS Coordinator. Online  dues clearance on LMS must also be made by your college concerned office.
4.Attach following documents:-
a) DMC form. You can download DMC/degree form from this link
b) CNIC copy
c) Original challan for final DMC fee of Rs. 2000/-. Online Challan from LMS/UAMS account can be generated and fee can be paid in any online branch of HBL. If Challan is not available then Bank deposit slip can be used at HBL, UET, Lahore branch . (Account No: 01287901582203, Account Title: Student Dues UET, LHR).
d) Degree Requirement Completion Form duly signed and stamped by Principal/HOD/Controller
e) One Passport size picture
f) Covering letter for DMC from concerned college
g) Matric/O level certificate copy 

Note:- Above instructions are for 1st time Final DMC/Transcrpt. To apply for subsequent copies (2nd time onwards) , attach DMC form and Challan of Rs. 2000/- only.
Official time for Final DMC/Transcript  is 3 working days.

 042-99029235, 042-99250214  Examinations Branch UET, Lahore    [email protected]